Privacy Policy
Privacy policy of Futamura Chemical
At Futamura Chemical Co., Ltd., in light of the importance of management and protection of personal information, we recognize that it is the basic ground of our business activities and social responsibilities to address ourselves to ensuring its security. For this reason, the following policy is established in order to ensure proper protection of personal information.
- Acquiring Personal Information
When using personal information about our customers and those who wish to join our Company, we will disclose the purpose of its use and will use it for the intended purpose only. We will obtain prior consent from the relevant person when changing the purpose.
- Management of Personal Information
We will establish and maintain a system to protect personal information. We will also take technical measures and have in-house education and training necessary to prevent the risks of divulgence of such information.
- As for security control against outside parties, we will establish an appropriate in-house organization and information security system to protect personal information.
- As for internal risks, we will limit the number of persons who can handle personal information according to each business task, thereby preventing the divulgence, misuse, etc. of it. Any acts including intentional divulgence of personal information that violates the Company's rules and regulations are subject to punishment in accordance with our working rules.
- Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not disclose personal information to any third party without prior consent. Should the occasion arise that we provide personal information to a third party, we will do so only after obtaining permission from the relevant person via written form or telephone.
- Disclosure, Correction and Deletion of Personal Information
We will disclose, correct or delete personal information upon the request from the relevant person only if we have confirmed that such request is made by the relevant person himself or herself.
Futamura Chemical Co., Ltd.
Yasuo Nagae
Effective: April 1, 2005